Demo documents to help showcase Calligra - where to store + thoughts?

Stuart Dickson stuart.dickson at
Tue Apr 24 10:19:22 BST 2012

It looks like subversion is the popular destination for these files, 
certainly there is the chance for an overly large version to be 
accidentally commited as well. Between that and git sending history 
information, SVN seems to be the way to go.

calligratests already has a number of existing files under odf/od* 
categorised by types.

Would it be best to give the demo/sample docs a prefix and add them to 
that repository alongside the other files, or would it be worthwhile to 
give then their own top level directory? (same level as 'odf' Certainly 
as they grow, it would make sense to separate by file type anyway. current thoughts are - add the sample documents to the 
calligratests suite, with a demo_ prefix on each?
e.g. demo_pixels.odp, demo_lemonade.ods, demo_sapceman_postcard.odt

- Stuart

On 17/04/2012 09:37, Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
> On 17 April 2012 09:24, Boudewijn Rempt<boud at>  wrote:
>> On Monday 16 April 2012 Apr, Stuart Dickson wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I've created a small selection of sample documents to help showcase
>>> Calligra and related software.
>>> The intention was for some more creative and less dry sample documents,
>>> so they are a mix of "family friendly" and creative works.
>>> Some of these have been authored in LibreOffice - but as they are plain
>>> ODF documents, they remain useful for testing and as friendly documents
>>> which one could use in Calligra screenshots. (The reason I had use LO
>>> was owing to using Windows and, at the time, I had run into an issue
>>> when saving the ODT example...even though I had created a similar
>>> document entirely within.
>> Maybe we can load and save them from calligra apps without loss of formatting?
>>> The question is what the community would like to do with these - whether
>>> to incorporate them within the calligra repository on, or
>>> whether these should be kept in a separate repository, on gitorious for
>>> example?
>> Not on gitorious -- we should use the KDE infrastructure as much as possible. I would put them in subversion, in calligratests, instead of the main git project, depending on size. If the documents aren't too big, we can just put them in calligra/demodocuments.
> +1, +1
> Whenever we're looking for place in a VCS for binaries that would be
> potentially updated, let's note:
> 1. Better not ship optional content in the repository because it will
> land in tarballs too (default templates are fine though).
> 2. Using SVN over git is a good choice for binaries because with git
> we have to fetch all the versions of given binary and with SVN we do
> not. This is why SVN is used for KDE oxygen project and calligratests.
> And it's good to expect that documents/templates can be big - nothing
> should stop us from having quality (higher DPI) content there.

-- Stuart Dickson // KO GmbH

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