Review Request: tune KoUnit API (and have pagelayout dialog and Words' horizontal ruler context menu update to changes of the document's unit type)

Friedrich W. H. Kossebau kossebau at
Mon Apr 16 22:27:36 BST 2012

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Review request for Calligra and C. Boemann.


Sigh... so the proposal from from boemann
    "I'd say fix the code in KoUnit so it reports the unit in the order you like, and use KoUnit everywhere to define the order"
turned into quite some hacking and in the end I found myself redoing the KoUnit API partially (because the old confused me too often).

So let's have some feedback on the current state, to see what is welcome and what is not, and what else could/should be done :)

* rename KoUnit::unit(...) to KoUnit::fromSymbol(...)   <- more Qt'ish
* turn static KoUnit::unitName(KoUnit) into member method KoUnit::symbol()   <- as typical use-case is on existing KoUnit instance, also shorter and more OOed
* rename KoUnit::Unit to KoUnit::Type    <- "type" feels a better term here
* added KoUnit::type() and KoUnit::setFactor(...)    <- useful in a few places
* remove KoUnit::unitDescription(...) from API    <- not used outside
* rename KoUnit::PixelVisibility to KoUnit::ListFilter   <- more general, some might want to add other flags like HideNoneMetrics

* ensure the same order of unit types in all unit type selectors in the UI
* update the page layout dialog on a change of the document's unit property
* update the changeUnitActions on a change of the document's unit property


  filters/karbon/image/ImageExportOptionsWidget.cpp 2b5d541 
  karbon/ui/KarbonPart.cpp 5e6a958 
  krita/plugins/extensions/imagesize/ 96490c9 
  krita/plugins/tools/defaulttools/ 5e9afa3 
  krita/ui/widgets/ 5b00fb9 
  libs/kopageapp/KoPADocument.cpp 240171a 
  libs/kopageapp/dialogs/KoPAConfigureDialog.cpp 8912db3 
  libs/koproperty/editors/spinbox.cpp d923c6e 
  libs/koreport/common/KoReportItemBase.cpp 7f6a575 
  libs/koreport/common/krsectiondata.cpp 38c14c8 
  libs/koreport/wrtembed/KoReportDesigner.cpp 68a61f9 
  libs/koreport/wrtembed/KoReportDesignerItemBase.cpp f3ff8dc 
  libs/koreport/wrtembed/KoReportDesignerItemLine.cpp ce54e7c 
  libs/koreport/wrtembed/reportscene.cpp dd32f7a 
  libs/koreport/wrtembed/reportsection.cpp 52447cf 
  libs/main/KoDocument.h 66bf3ac 
  libs/main/KoDocument.cpp 831ed9d 
  libs/main/KoRuler.cpp 4272b9b 
  libs/main/KoView.cpp 81dafd3 
  libs/main/KoView_p.h 9b3dff2 
  libs/main/config/KoConfigGridPage.h 01373e9 
  libs/main/config/KoConfigGridPage.cpp a3e1d6f 
  libs/main/config/KoConfigMiscPage.h 2c36996 
  libs/main/config/KoConfigMiscPage.cpp 7f54ef1 
  libs/odf/KoUnit.h 1f035fe 
  libs/odf/KoUnit.cpp 43cc908 
  libs/widgets/KoPageLayoutWidget.cpp c9f0fc0 
  libs/widgets/KoUnitDoubleSpinBox.cpp f9f00da 
  plugins/paragraphtool/Ruler.cpp 3053696 
  plugins/textshape/dialogs/ParagraphBulletsNumbers.cpp 87c1b85 
  sheets/DocBase.cpp a9812c6 
  sheets/dialogs/LayoutDialog.cpp d1090f4 
  sheets/part/Doc.cpp 4c40b87 
  sheets/part/HeaderItems.cpp 5fc3cfa 
  sheets/part/HeaderWidgets.cpp 3fac4cc 
  sheets/part/dialogs/PreferenceDialog.cpp fae954a 
  words/part/KWApplicationConfig.cpp b5fd980 
  words/part/KWOdfLoader.cpp 238c7fe 
  words/part/dialogs/KWPageSettingsDialog.h 0a028a9 
  words/part/dialogs/KWPageSettingsDialog.cpp f577353 



Played with (hopefully) all touched widgets, seems to work.


Friedrich W. H. Kossebau

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