commits to master

Jaroslaw Staniek staniek at
Thu Apr 12 22:37:36 BST 2012

On 12 April 2012 22:25, Jaroslaw Staniek <staniek at> wrote:
> BTW, is there somewhere documented recommended post-review script and
> recipe specific for calligra development?
> I have this:

Updated (don't read if you have your own solution ready):

# post-review-master
# git remote add calligra git://

if [ -z "$1" ] ; then echo "enter testing-done"; exit 1; fi
if [ -z "$2" ] ; then echo "enter revision number"; exit 1; fi

post-review --branch=master --parent=master -g --target-people=piggz,tanis \
 --testing-done="$1" -d --repository-url=git:// \
 --target-group=calligra --revision-range=${2}^ $3 $4 $5 $6


this way:
post-review-master "Compiled and installed" 729a48e
works nice

Specifying target people make sense....
Note that there cannot be typos e.g. in user names - the web interface
is error prone.

Adding -p to post-review-master auto-publishes.

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
 Kexi & Calligra (,,
 KDE Software Development Platform on MS Windows (

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