text:continue-numbering attribute - current support

Uzak Matus matus.uzak at ixonos.com
Wed Sep 14 15:07:40 BST 2011


I would like to discuss our support for the text:continue-numbering attribute.  Its use has been deprecated, but at the moment filters miss support for the text:continue-list attribute.  It might be quicker to modify a bit the current support for text:continue-numbering.

According to ODF:

The text:continue-numbering attribute specifies the numbering of a preceding list.
If the value of the attribute is true and the numbering style of the preceding list is the same as the
current list, the number of the first list item in the current list is the number of the last item in the
preceding list incremented by one.

The most important question first: What do I have to understand under numbering style?  The whole List style or the attributes of the text:list-level-style-number element only?  Examples follow, please check the current result and the expected one for Example2.

Consider the text:list-level-style-number element of L1 and L2 to be identical.

<text:list text:style-name="L1">
      <text:p text:style-name="P1">List_item1</text:p>
<text:list text:style-name="L2" text:continue-numbering="true">
      <text:p text:style-name="P1">List_item2</text:p>

Result - as displayed by stage:
1. List_item1
2. List_item2


<text:list text:style-name="L1">
      <text:p text:style-name="P1">List_item1</text:p>
<text:list text:style-name="L5">
                <text:p text:style-name="P1">List_item1 - level2</text:p>
<text:list text:style-name="L2" text:continue-numbering="true">
    <text:p text:style-name="P1">List_item2</text:p>

Result - as displayed by stage:
1. List_item1
    1. List_item1 - level2
1. List_item2

Expected result:
1. List_item1
    1. List_item1 - level2
2. List_item2


Matus Uzak
Software Designer
Ixonos Slovakia s.r.o.
Sturova 27, 040 01 Kosice, Slovakia
mobile 0421 918 718 958
email: matus.uzak at ixonos.com
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