words broken?

Dag Andersen danders at get2net.dk
Thu Nov 10 10:07:14 GMT 2011

I see a number of strange things:

* I do not get any Tools docker

* If I add a text shape and then goes to the main frame to edit there, I 
cannot select the text shape anymore. (And I cannot select the interaction 
tool as there is not Tools docker.)

* Opening this documnet in libre office, the text shape is displayed in a 
different position. Seems to me the shape is anchored to the *page* in words 
but to the *paper* in LO.

* Exporting odt from a Plan report, the doc is displayed correctly both in 
words and LO. However, saving the doc from words and opening it in LO shows 
the same positioning error as described above.

Any thoughts?
Dag Andersen

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