Unclosed review request

Cyrille Berger Skott cberger at cberger.net
Sat Nov 5 18:57:33 GMT 2011


We have many old unclosed review request in reviewboard 
(https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/dashboard/), please consider closing them if 
they are commited or rejected, or adding a comment on why they are not closed 
(and if the review request is by someone who is not reachable, if you tell me 
I can close the review).

Here is the list of review over two months:

Added support for drawing the shadow for a shape group, fixed shadow blur 
zooming bug.

nofill and nostroke support in enhanced path from odf

Support added for filter loading in another process

Fixes 274118 and couple of other fixes

Fix for Reducing the various hardcoded zoomlevel based on usability feedback 
from Anna

And there are others too.

Cyrille Berger Skott

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