Purpose of snapshots and calligra-suite.org, subjective look

Jaroslaw Staniek staniek at kde.org
Mon May 23 20:23:30 BST 2011

What worries me: calligra-suite.org becomes a bit like another
incarnation of koffice.org regarding the audience [1]: developers and
power users able to consume technical terms like libraries, software
layers, separation of them, UI/engine (add a lot more can be found).

The text is long, not visually structured (no toc, no clearly
separated abstract).
However it's not extremely bad. After reading the text _twice_ I
extracted the two sections, 'for users', and 'for
So I see the visual structure as something to improve, the logical is
quite good, and I congratulate the authors.
Despite the fact that 'text layout code' term is not aimed at the
former audience, this separation is a good start.

I propose to have an IRC meeting this or week or continue shaping up
the way how we communicate.
For example the current text I would not decide to translate it to my
language for example, because the said lack of visual structure, but I
believe after a few more steps we'll enter into 'good practices' mode.

[1] http://www.calligra-suite.org/news/calligra-announces-first-snapshot-release/

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
 Kexi & Calligra (kexi-project.org, identi.ca/kexi, calligra-suite.org)
 KDE Software Development Platform on MS Windows (windows.kde.org)

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