The state of Calligra Words (a call for testing)

Sebastian Sauer mail at
Wed May 4 01:52:25 BST 2011

When we merged end of last week the textlayout-branch to master things where 
in a pretty bad state. I was surprised how much problems did show up within 
last days. I was even more surprised to see how fast they got fixed. Special 
thanks here goes to Casper and Thorsten.

Today we are in a state where shipping an alpha of what becomes Calligra Words 
3.0 (if 3.0 is the next version what afaik we didn't agreed about yet) will be 
possible this week.

This are the things that are open right now;
1. Anchors. This is what Casper was working on within last few days and it 
seems to be in a good state. There is one case where we end in an infinite 
layout-loop. That case is identified and mostly fixed.
2. Seems for whatever reason headers+footers have sometimes the wrong height 
(means are to large). I just figured that out a hour ago and already have an 
idea how to fix it. Should be done tomorrow.
3. Undo/redo. While a lot of testing went into loading+layouting+saving there 
are still issues with some actions (e.g. insert/remove page) that lead to 
crashes on undo/redo. I plan to work on this within next days to restore the 
state we had before (no crashes). But then I don't see that as showstopper for 
an alpha (or is it even before-alpha?) release.

That's it. So, this is a call for testing. If you have trunk/master and some 
time please try to crash Words. We still have some days left to address any 
such direct visible problems so our enduser-alpha-testers won't run into 
problems to fast. If you found a problem please create a bugreport at against calligra-words and I will take care of it. Thanks in 
advance and may the force be with us :-)

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