A possible Git branching model for Calligra

JL VT pentalis at gmail.com
Sun Jun 19 06:16:08 BST 2011

When I was learning about Git, I found this document describing a
branching model for projects:

As far as my knowledge goes, our branching model is quite similar,
except that we have no "Master" branch, Trunk takes the role of both
the Develop and Master branches.

What I think is the upside of the branching model described in that
blog is that it's easy to create point releases with only bug fixes
between major releases. While the cool new features keep appearing "in
real time" in the Develop branch (which users can keep grabbing just
like they've done so far), packagers can automatically grab the tagged
releases from Master whenever there's an update, and it's guaranteed
that each of these small point releases will be more robust (less
buggy) than the previous.


PS: My sincerest apologies if our current branching model already
works like that and I'm just preaching to the choir here.

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