cstester on cruncher

Cyrille Berger Skott cberger at cberger.net
Fri Jul 22 09:16:17 BST 2011


I have tried to enable cstester on cruncher, but the results I get are very 
unstable, as you can see in [1].

I have enabled it for the build done at "2011-07-21T05:22:54 EDT" (and the 
reference image where generated on tuesday), and as you can see, between the 
time when I made the image on Tuesday and yesterday, we get 62 new fails, and 
now about 66 more. And I am not sure how I am supposed to handle those 

For now I have disabled cstester again on cruncher. And the scripts to run the 
tests are in, calligra/tools/scripts, in CMakeLists.txt for the creation of 
the unit test and in run_cstester.py for the actual call to cstester.


Cyrille Berger Skott

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