2.4 Release Plan

Inge Wallin inge at lysator.liu.se
Thu Jan 13 08:07:05 GMT 2011

On Wednesday, January 12, 2011 16:41:55 Cyrille Berger Skott wrote:
> Hi,
> Time to work on a release schedule for the first calligra release, aka 2.4
> (and not 1.0 :) ).
> If we were to strictly follow our schedule, we would have schedule that
> looks like this: (with year+1, ie 2010->2011)
> http://community.kde.org/Calligra/Schedules/KOffice/2.2/Release_Plan
> Meaning we should have a soft-freeze tomorrow... :) Since KOffice 2.3 took
> much more time to be ready, I would be tempted to suggest to push a little
> bit the release of the RC1 to the end of May (giving us one more month).
> So the real question is what do you guys prefers ? a RC1 at the end of
> april (actually right on my birthday ;P) or a RC1 at the end of May ?

I think there is no value in rushing this.  Especially I don't see any reason 
at all to base this year's schedule on last year's, given what has happened in 
between. What we need is to make a big splash and be able to say "This is it! 
Calligra is now officially ready for production use.  No excuses." 

So I suggest that instead of saying "You have two schedules to chose between: 
A and B", let's ask each maintainer which features they think are necessary 
for making their applications ready.  Then we create the schedule around that 

We really need to make this release a break from the old KOffice tradition.  
Every KOffice 2.x release has said (in boud's words) "it's better but not good 
enough".  Let's break this trend and create something that is truly useful and 
that makes people take note.  Yet another release which is not good enough is 
going to put us firmly into the irrelevant category and it will be difficult 
to recover from that.

What we have to keep in mind is that a quick release that is not good enough 
is actually a delay.  It's a delay until Calligra is relevant and it's a delay 
until people can get a good version into their hands.  Let us take the extra 1 
or 2 months that is needed to make this count.  If this means May, then fine.  
But my guess is that it isn't.  Let's find out before we set the schedule.

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