Configuration dialogs for Calligra Applications

Shantanu Tushar Jha jhahoneyk at
Thu Jan 13 06:43:36 GMT 2011

    I am a new contributor to Calligra and was trying to resolve . I found while discussing on
IRC that the feature is already implemented, and only configuration options
are missing in Words (but are present in Stage, Tables etc).

Now, If I try to add a similar config dialog to Words, it will be a trivial
task, but there is a consistency problem in doing it like this. Already the
autosave settings in Stage and Tables feel different, and are implemented
using different dialogs. I think that it will be really good if such options
that are common to all Calligra apps be defined at one place and shared by
the different applications.

So, I have two questions here-

1. Is the idea of sharing configuration dialog and common configuration
pages sane? I don't have much idea about Calligra's (and hence KOffice's)
history so if this has been already discussed, please point to the ML

2. To implement a shared dialog, where is the best place to add the dialog?
Being new to the codebase, lots of classes come to my mind (like
KOApplication, KODocument etc) so I need a little bit of help here.



Shantanu Tushar    (UTC +0530)
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