2.4 Release Plan

Cyrille Berger Skott cberger at cberger.net
Wed Jan 12 21:37:08 GMT 2011

On Wednesday 12 January 2011, C. Boemann wrote:
> Right now we are nothing, to the outside world.
Yes exactly. Beside, the point of release often, release early, is that 
improvement now, is better than perfection later. In other word, I don't think 
one more extra month will make calligra perfect, at this point having 2.4 
better than 2.3 will be enough. Also, we have to prove that calligra is 
commited to make those improvements, and to stay relevant to the desktop. And 
what better than a release that show exactly that ?

The idea of pushing one month is that I personnally feel that we have just 
started making those improvements, while if we don't push the release of one 
month, we should actually start the release process almost right now :) So I 
had like to give us the right amount of time to work on those improvements, 
without forgeting to bring them to users.

Cyrille Berger Skott

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