calligratables and formula offset

David Faure faure at
Tue Jan 11 23:50:51 GMT 2011


I have a question for the applixspread import filter: if I have a formula like
=B1+C1 for A1,
and I want to reuse this formula for A3, I need to somehow change it to 
=B3+C3, just like copy/paste would do. Is there some utility function for 
this, which I can call from the applixspread import filter? Thanks.

(This is because the applix file format can 'share' formulas, i.e. the input 
file only has B1+C1 for A1, and other cells just point to the same relative 
formula, so in the filter we need to transpose/adjust/offset/whatever-this-is-
called the formula)

David Faure, faure at,
Sponsored by Nokia to work on KDE, incl. Konqueror (

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