release schedule proposal

Elvis Stansvik elvstone at
Wed Feb 2 10:47:08 GMT 2011

2011/2/2 C. Boemann <cbo at>:
> On Wednesday 02 February 2011 10:34:30 Pierre Stirnweiss wrote:
>> On Wed, Feb 2, 2011 at 10:18 AM, Boudewijn Rempt <boud at> wrote:
>> > On Wednesday 02 February 2011, Inge Wallin wrote:
>> > > Do you plan to make real, i.e. not previews, of Krita in the mean time?
>> >
>> > The
>> >
>> > > reason I ask is that I wonder which Linux distros are going to package
>> >
>> > the
>> >
>> > > previews and how.
>> >
>> > I think that (after a bit of cleanup), Calligra master contains a stable
>> > version of Krita that is a big improvement over KOffice 2.3. So I would
>> > want to communicate that to users. I think the same holds for the other
>> > apps -- with 37 feature branches, we've clearly shown that we've grasped
>> > the git way of working.
>> If I remember properly Oslo, we actually had planned to have a "always
>> stable" master and features developed in branches that would be merged when
>> "ready". Bug fixes should be done in master.
>>  I think this is actually working pretty good as of now.
>> So would it be possible to have on a regular basis (monthly why not), a
>> "stable snapshot". I am not sure there should be a link with a future
>> "numbered" release (like 3.0 technology preview). That way we could have
>> "numbered release" linked to evolution in the software rather than date
>> constraint.
>> We could have the following then:
>> - Calligra [last release number] Stable snapshot [YYMM]. These would
>> provide both "maintenance releases" and new "finished " merged features.
>> - Calligra [new release number]: when we decide we achieved technically a
>> new Milestone.
>> Pierre
> I like this very much, both now and as the future way of releasing.


> i would assume our first release would then be:
> Calligra Suite 2.3 Stable snapshot 201103

But is the "Stable" in the name really necessary? Why not just
"Calligra Suite 2.3 Snapshot 201103"? Is it to indicate to users that
the snapshot comes from an always sunny master, which should be
considered quite stable?

Just think it's a bit of a wonky name.

(Either way, as a small side note, I think it would be good to follow
the English title naming convention for books, movies et.c. and have
the 'snapshot' capitalized too, the way e.g. Nokia names their "Qt SDK
1.1 Technology Preview", every word capitalized).


> Casper
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