Help regarding project

Sebastian Sauer mail at
Mon Dec 26 09:02:01 GMT 2011

On 12/26/2011 07:42 AM, Panks wrote:
> Sorry for late reply, College reopening next week so have few 
> assignments to deal with in this week.
> Hello Sebastian :-)
> Anyway, I made that skeleton work, now it is showing pdf files in 
> 'Open Document' window and pushed it to kde git too.

Seems I am not anle to see it in our git-repository... did you do those;

git checkout master -b filter-words-pdfimport-panks
git commit -a
git push

steps and did it succeed?

> I went through that Outputdev file once roughly. Can you please give 
> me some hint on what should I hit upon/do next?

I think we need to have an own poppler OutputDev implementation in a 
similar way like at 
<>. We first can 
add a skeleton for that that does nothing more but to reimplement the 
beginString/endString/addChar methods and then write them to ODF 
<p><span></span></p> in a similar way the 
calligra/filters/words/ascii/AsciiImport.cpp does.

For that we are maybe forced to get a complete copy of poppler into e.g. 
calligra/filters/words/pdfimport/poppler/* when upstream doesn't allow 
to link against the libpoppler-library. We will see.

Then we would have the very basic thing already working; read the 
strings and put them into a ODT so the plain-text becomes visible in 
Words when our import-filter loads a PDF. As next step we could then add 
simple formattings like font-style, bold/italic/underline/etc and once 
that is done add the code to handle images.

Please make sure that your current code is in our git so I can help 
direct on the concrete code-base with getting this points named above 
accomplished. Lot of thanks in advance :-)

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