Marketing Message for Calligra

Cyrille Berger Skott cberger at
Thu Dec 22 20:57:33 GMT 2011

On Thursday 22 December 2011, Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
> Just using symbols (as in my desktop/tablet/... buttons) if symbols
> are enough, do not clutter. This is like in marketing - using symbolic
> sentences like 'free' instead of geeky open source/libre one is able
> to deliver the message to the other audiences.
Except that you do lose the message. We are not just "free", just "free" is 
freeware. We are more.

I guess that is what the majority of people care, but that would be a pity 
that we decide to stop educating people to the virtue of open source and free 

Cyrille Berger Skott

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