Marketing Message for Calligra

Inge Wallin inge at
Wed Dec 21 18:25:05 GMT 2011

I have started to work on the marketing message for Calligra which will be the 
basis for the announcement of 2.4.  At the same time I'm looking at the 
website and the rest of our documentation.

The website has gotten a much-needed facelift. It does look nice now. However, 
the first thing that strikes you when you look at the website, at least if you 
know a little about Calligra already, is that it completely fails to mention 
the strengths. In marketing you should always build on your strengths and then 
expand from that.

So what is the strength of the Calligra Suite?  I would say that Calligra is 
the absolute world leader when it comes to free mobile office applications. 
There is no other free suite that has all the 3 main apps (word processing, 
spreadsheet and presentation) and that works on mobile phones and tablets with 
native touch-based interfaces. And in addition to that we have more apps than 
other free office suites but they have not yet gotten touch-based UI's.

It is also one of the most portable office suites, all categories. Even on the 
desktop it is ported to more platforms than MS Office and iWorks. OOo and 
LibreOffice work also on Windows and MacOS but they don't have anything to 
offer on tablets or smartphones. LibreOffice announced a port to Android but 
if you look past the surface they mention that "they will soon be able to 
build all source files on Android", not exactly a convincing story.

I want to enhance our message with these facts. So I worked a little with 
Jaroslaw, our king of web mockup, and we got something that we can think of as 
a proof of concept.  Check out
page/web-page-mockup6.png for an idea.  

The "computer screen" can either give a random screenshot from one of the 
applications when the page is loaded or it could show a kind of slow 
slideshow. There is one thing missing, and that is a statement of what 
Calligra actually *is*.  We are working on that and jaroslaw said he would 
publish a new mockup later tonight.

This will give more exposure to the parts of Calligra that are not yet visible 
on our website and also highlight what Calligra is really good at at this 
point.  And it does this while keeping the focus on the user and features 
important to the users.

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