SQLite packaging, again

Jaroslaw Staniek staniek at kde.org
Wed Dec 14 16:49:22 GMT 2011

Do you remeber this somewhat hot topic [1] about deploying SQLite?
Now I have hit the wall with unicode support in SQLite.
For databases sorting, matching (operator LIKE) and converting to
lower/upper case are all core features.
All this is related to so called collations.

At application level we have limited support in Qt 4 for collations
compared to the ICU library [2], which is also 30 times faster than Qt
4 incapable QString::localeAwareCompare routine.[3] There are works
for Qt 5 and maybe ICU would be used there via an addon. So far only
collations for the current locale is supported by Qt, what is exactly
THE SAME sin MS Access had in 1992. Even if Qt 4 had slow but
funtional solution, it should be glued to SQLite via an extension, but
the extension using ICU already exists and is a available within the
sqlite source code.

Some history: ICU lib was enabled in libsqlite3 on debian in 3.6.11-1
[4] but then soon disabled in because of packaging
problems. Of course ICU is a large dependency because Unicode features
need large amounts of data. But I have no problem with depending on
ICU because of the size.

(CC'd this post to Laszlo and Adrien to get more input, libsqlite4 and
calligra package maintainers, respectively)

I have not done research for ubuntu and elsewhere but given the
multitude of specialized build options in libsqlite3 it's clear than
one side won't fit all needs. As stated in comments of [1] already
libsqlite3 is embedded software, developed not to make packaging easy
but to be really efficient and reliable.

Now to have working solution I am again posting the question: HOW to
use libsqlite3 in Kexi without copying it?

[1] http://blogs.kde.org/node/4156
[2] http://icu-project.org
[3] http://labs.qt.nokia.com/2011/06/14/string-collation-with-locales/
[4] http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=494987

regards / pozdrawiam, Jaroslaw Staniek
 Kexi & Calligra (kexi-project.org, identi.ca/kexi, calligra-suite.org)
 KDE Software Development Platform on MS Windows (windows.kde.org)

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