broken filters in words

Sebastian Sauer mail at
Sat Dec 3 16:12:43 GMT 2011

On 12/03/2011 04:10 PM, Jaroslaw Staniek wrote:
> On 3 December 2011 15:51, Sebastian Sauer<mail at>  wrote:
>> On 12/02/2011 05:31 PM, C. Boemann wrote:
>>> On Friday 02 December 2011 09:32:56 Boudewijn Rempt wrote:
>>>> In Words, the following filters are broken because they convert to/from
>>>> the
>>>> old kwd format which was removed. They are still installed, though, and
>>>> appear in the file dialog as options (and then don't work...)
>>>> palmdocexport
>>>> palmdocimport
>>>> wmlexport
>>>> wmlimport
>>>> oowriterexport
>>>> oowriterimport
>>>> mswriteimport
>>>> mswriteexport
>>>> docbookexport
>>>> wpimport
>>>> wpexport
>>>> rtfexport
>>>> asciiexport
>>>> amiproexport
>>>> amiproimport
>>>> htmlexport
>>>> abiwordimport
>>>> abiwordexport
>>>> lateximport
>>>> latexport
>>>> starwriterimport
>>>> htmlimport
>>>> dcmimport
>>>> At the very least, we shouldn't install them -- but should we compile
>>>> them
>>>> at all? Should the code even remain in the repositories? We've seen with
>>>> doc, rtf and html that if we want to reinstate support for broken file
>>>> formats, that we usually rewrite the complete filter
>>>> Some of the broken formats, like ms-write are also listed in Words'
>>>> desktop
>>>> file:
>>>> MimeType=application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text;application/
>>>> document.text-template;application/msword;application/rtf;text/plain;applic
>>>> ation/x-mswrite;application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessin
>>>> gml.document;application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.wordprocessingml
>>>> .template;
>>>> X-Calligra-DefaultMimeTypes=application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text,applica
>>>> tion/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text-template,application/msword,application/rt
>>>> f,text/plain,application/x-mswrite,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedoc
>>>> ument.wordprocessingml.document,application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocume
>>>> nt.wordprocessingml.template
>>> Yes I vote we remove them from the repository
>> I would prefer to keep them + disable compile + add a comment why / what
>> needs to be done so if someone steps in to add/extend a certain filter
>> he/she could build up his work on an probably already the existing one.
> I wanted to propose that too as this is actually the way what I do
> with obsolete but not yet replaced code.
> But for others it would be enough to look in git history. If so, let's
> create a tag for that revision.

What equals to throwing it in a black hole. Neither will anybody look at 
such a specific revision/tag nor will anybody remember and especially 
not those who have a look at our code to get into / look what is there / 
start contributing.

Some of those filters may sound esoteric but some are rather basic or 
even commonly used things. In any case it would be a shame to just 
nullify all the work that was done on them and taking any possibility 
others could reuse / build up on / port.

It is not like that's lot of code that takes away to much free 
diskspace. If the problem is that the code is there and visible without 
really working I would propose to move it to an e.g. "not_working" or 
"unmaintained" or "xyz" sub-directory under filters/words. That way it's 
out of our way while still being visible and direct accessible for those 
who look or work on our filters. may that be an idea?

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