Plasma Active

Inge Wallin inge at
Mon Apr 18 10:19:02 BST 2011

I guess most of you have read about the new initiative Plasma Active on the 
dot or on Planet KDE by now. If not, take a moment to read up because it's 
really exciting stuff.

It turns out that Calligra is regarded as a core application by them. So Aaron 
contacted me and we had a long talk. Calligra will be one of the first 
applications to be highlighted by them in their progress report blogs. Since 
they have a clear picture of what they need[1], and we don't have that right 
now, we agreed on a compromise:
 - Use Calligra Mobile for now
 - Switch over to Shantanu's QML based interface once that is more mature.

Interestingly enough, it seems that Sebas contacted Cyrille and they talked 
about the same things and agreed on the same compromise.  :-)

So stay tuned for some publicity from the Plasma Active group.



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