Naming of the 5 office apps

Mark Kretschmann kretschmann at
Tue Nov 23 16:41:25 GMT 2010

On Tue, Nov 23, 2010 at 4:09 PM, C. Boemann <cbo at> wrote:
> Hi
> I've talked to several of youon irc, but here follows a formal request.
> I'd like us to agree soon on names for the apps so the website, forums and
> press material can move forward. I think we all agree now is the time to get
> rid of the KNames if we ever want to do so. And since the word processor is
> forced to be renamed anyway it will seem really silly to keep the KNames for
> some.
> I think it's pretty important that there is a common theme in the names. At
> the very least having some KNames and some not seems unprofessional. But I
> think we should go a bit further and actually make the names match in some
> way.
> My suggestion (several stolen from some of you) for names have a shared theme
> of being a noun that describes in semi abstract terms what the application's
> data is:
> Wording - word processor
> Compute - spreadsheet
> Outline - presentation
> Clarity - graph visualization
> Plan - project planning

Not bad! Some of them are really nice, especially "Compute". That's a
great idea, I think.

However, here are some alternative proposals for some of the other apps:

Calligra Writer - word processor
Calligra Planner - project planning

And "Clarity", I don't like that a lot. But this is difficult. We have
to do some brainstorming for that, I guess :)

I'd like to emphasize that the name "Calligra" was originally brought
up by my girlfriend, Myriam. So, I guess we should say: "Thanks

Mark Kretschmann
Amarok Developer, Software Engineer at KO GmbH
Fellow of the Free Software Foundation Europe - -

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