KDChart now on ftp.kdab.com

Johannes Simon johannes.simon at gmail.com
Thu Dec 23 09:39:06 GMT 2010

If we do decide to throw out KD Chart, well, then we'd have to wait for the next bugfix release and for the packagers to put it upstream for the respective distribution. Until then we would need a workaround if necessary. The interval in which KDAB ships the bugfix releases of KD Chart varies, I can't say something definite here. Having to wait for the releases is an obvious downside of not having it in our repository, but KD Chart isn't the only library we use inside KOffice/Calligra, so this is something we'd simply have to live with as other apps do as well. But this hasn't been decided yet. I guess it is a difficult decision, best thing is we discuss this at the upcoming charting sprint.


Am 17.11.2010 um 12:06 schrieb Inge Wallin:
> Yay partly... :-)
> What will happen with the fixes that we come up with sometimes inside KOffice?  
> How often will KDAB release bugfixes?

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