git and branches

Cyrille Berger Skott cberger at
Wed Dec 15 21:25:30 GMT 2010


Seing that you are all getting familiar and at ease with git on IRC :D Lets 
move to something more advance. The reason we moved to git is not to be 
allowed to work offline, but to work with branches in a more convenient way 
than what svn could allow us.

So time to introduce the few commands that allow that:

Create a new branch with:
  git checkout -b branch_name 

Switch between branches:
  git checkout branch_name

And then commit as usual.

Branches can be local, or shared on the server.

to list your local branch you can do:
 git branch

to list all branches:
 git branch -a

If you want to get a remove branch, simply:
 git pull origin branch_name

And if you want a local branch (and/or the commits you have made to that 
branch) to be shared on the server, then you do
 git push origin branch_name

When you are finished with a branch, you want to have it merged into master, 
then you do:
 git checkout master
 git merge branch_name

And to remove your branch:
 git branch -d branch_name

If it was a shared branch, you will need to contact repo's admin (right now, 
Ian Monroe, Boudewijn and me, we will probably add more later) to delete the 
branch on the server (I have no clue how to do that :) ).

You might also want to keep your branch up to date with the latests master:
 git checkout branch_name
 git merge master

As usual, if you have any questions, feel free (especially if you are 
interested in the git masters to give you a more complicated set of commands 
to accomplish the same thing).

And don't forget to name your branches (especially shared one) with the 
following convention:

application-topic-contact_person (ie krita-explosion_paintop-berger or flake-
speed_improvement-berger )

Cyrille Berger Skott
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