using git: rebase, not putll before push

Ian Monroe ian at
Mon Dec 6 18:40:38 GMT 2010

On Mon, Dec 6, 2010 at 11:48 AM, Boudewijn Rempt <boud at> wrote:
> Hi,
> We're having lots and lots of
> Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
> type commits. Those are caused by pushing without rebasing first.
> So, instead of doing this:
> git pull, hack, commit, hack commit, git pull, git push
> do:
> git pull, hack, commit, hack, commit, git rebase origin master, pit push

I like doing:
git remote update
git rebase origin/master

and then when pushing:
git push origin master:master
(pushes the local master to the remote master)

"git push" by itself is less precise, which is fine in the simple
case, but actually ends up being more confusing when you are dealing
with multiple branches and such. If git has to guess less about what
you are doing things are more straightforward. And using 'git remote
update' fetches all repos you have setup, which is sometimes handy.


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