Conflict solving and maintainer

Boudewijn Rempt boud at
Mon Dec 6 16:18:05 GMT 2010

On Monday 06 December 2010, Mark Kretschmann wrote:

> In Amarok, all of our core developers (or "citizens") are basically a
> team of maintainers. And we always try to resolve conflicts by
> consensus. Only if that fails (very rarely), then we might do a
> voting. That happens maybe once a year or so.

It depends a lot on the project and what you think the role of "maintainer" is. If it's the cerberus who keeps ugly code out, then we can do without. But in the current state, every koffice app needs someone who pulls, pushes, blogs, writes, evangelizes, talks to the press, helps newcomers, does janitorial stuff and keeps an overview of what's going on. That's the role of a maintainer to me.  The amarok community might be large enough that this sort of thing happens anyway, ours isn't yet.

Boudewijn Rempt |,

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