[Bugsquad] Heads up on Extra Mile initiative

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at kde.org
Sat Jul 21 21:23:22 UTC 2012

Hi Aurélien,

On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 4:46 PM, Aurélien Gâteau <agateau at kde.org> wrote:
> Hi,
> Following the Akademy BoF session, I have been working a bit on setting things
> up for the Extra Mile initiative.
> # Wiki page
> There is now a reference wiki page:
> http://community.kde.org/Getinvolved/Extra_Mile

Great work, thank you!
> # Bugzilla setup
> I opted for using a tracker bug in bugzilla to track (sic) extra mile bugs.
> This is bug 303462, which is aliased as "extramile", so
> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=extramile points you to it.
> (I decided to use a tracker bug instead of a keyword because it is possible to
> subscribe to a tracker bug, and should this initiative stops in the future,
> the unused keyword won't be staying around)
> sysadmins are working on getting the bugzilla-mediawiki plugin installed,
> which will make it easy to list extramile bugs on the wiki page. Meanwhile,
> one can list them with this query:
> https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?f1=blocked&list_id=151096&o1=anywords&query_format=advanced&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&v1=303462
> Do you think it would make sense to add it as a global saved search?

I made a saved search called ExtraMile bugs, just add it to your
footer in your preferences, it should be visible to all people with at
least "canconfirm" rights.

> Right now the assignee for the tracker bug is myself. Do you think it should
> be kde-testing@ or any another address?

That is up to you to choose. I wouldn't mind assigning it to
kde-testing@, but some people might be concerned about the traffic
this generates. Maybe letting people just subscribe to it for now.
> # Getting started
> So far there are very few bugs listed there, 2 from Gwenview, 4 from KDE
> Telepathy, which is understandable since the initiative hasn't been publicly
> announced.
I don't remember if this was mentioned already, but there also is the
Papercuts project of KDE-multimedia:

it might be worth to talk to them to coordinate the effort.

> I will be on vacation from August 10 to 25, with little to none Internet
> access, so I want to wait until I am back to blog about it (and possibly
> unleash the flood). Until then, if you have bug reports which you consider
> candidates for extra mile bugs it would be great if you could mark them as
> such. This would help bootstraping the initiative before going fully public.

Enjoy your holiday, we will try to fill up the list a bit more in the
mean time :)

Regards, Myriam

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