[Bugsquad] Krush announcement and krush techbase page

Michael Leupold lemma at confuego.org
Tue Jan 20 19:15:48 CET 2009

Hi everyone,

In preparation of this Sunday's KOffice krush (25th of January), I added the 
following page on techbase: 
It's mainly a copy of the KOfficeDay1/Krush page with some revised 
information. I'd like to ask every KOffice developer to check the application-
specific tips sections of their application. Please add important stuff (for 
example I heard the KWord is unkrushable in Beta 5 because it crashes a lot) 
and known bugs everyone testing the application will stumble upon (only common 
bugs to reduce people reporting known bugs).

On to some stuff that should go into the Krush's announcement (mostly for Inge 
but I though I might as well post for others to comment):
- Bugsquad is referring to it as "KOffice Bug Day 2".
- Detailed information on the site mentioned above
- Date: Sunday, 25.01.2009, all day long
- Starting time: We usually put "around 10am CET". I hope someone's already up 
at that time.
- Meeting in #kde-bugs on freenode for coordination and QA

Extra bits to mention:
- No programming skills required. Krushing means test-driving the applications 
to find out what's working and what not. Helping find bugs is a good way to 
help KDE and KOffice and a good way to start contributing and you don't need a 
lot of time to do it.
- This Bug day is important to find and fix as many bugs as possible prior to 
the big KOffice 2.0 release.
- Based on the results and the feedback gathered during the Bug day, the 
KOffice developers will decide which applications are ready for release and 
which aren't (that's based on what Cyrille told me at the end of December. If 
you've already decided what to ship, leave it out).
- KOffice developers and members of the Bugsquad will be around to help 
everyone getting started and answer questions (this might draw some extra 
attention from people who are waiting to tell you about long-lasting bugs - 
but usually also some who come to help)

I'll blog a short reminder on friday. I hope I didn't leave anything out :-)

Thanks and regards,

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