[Bugsquad] Schedule proposal for the next few months.

George Goldberg grundleborg at googlemail.com
Fri Sep 5 20:04:22 CEST 2008

Hi everyone,

Since we've been a bit inefficient at getting bug days organised
recently, I'd like to propose a schedule for the KDE 4.2 development

First, some of the things that were considered when coming up with
this schedule:

1) I think it is fair to say, based on what's happened so far, that
having bug days on Sundays works reasonably well. No day of the week
is going to be perfect, but the status-quo seems good enough to me for
us to stick with it for now.

2) Every two weeks is probably the optimum spacing for events. I think
it reflects general opinion that every week is too often (remember
may/june when we had about 4 weeks in a row).

3) If we do too many bug-days in a row on the same product, people get
bored (remember 5 konqui days in a row at the beginning).

4) It probably makes sense to do bug triage during the time trunk is
under heavy development, and then to do krush during the freeze
periods where developers should be more focused on fixing bugs - a bit
like organised beta testing.

Please bear in mind that although I've tried to propose something that
fits the general opinion of #kde-bugs, I might have got it wrong in
any number of ways.

So, here is a proposed calendar (all days are sundays)

7/9 - Rest
14/9 - KMail
21/9 - Rest
28/9 - TBA

5/10 - Rest
12/10 - Konqueror
19/10 - Rest
26/10 - Konqueror

2/11 - Rest
9/11 - TBA
16/11 - Rest
23/11 - KMail
30/11 - Rest

7/12 - KMail

The feature freeze will happen around this time, so we should then
shift to Krush mode (schedule to be devised nearer the time).

Konqueror and KMail have a lot of bugzilla cruft, so there's a lot to
be done there. I think that two bug days in a row is the optimum
number to keep us focused, but avoid people getting sick of always
triaging the same thing.

I've added in the 2 TBA days to allow for other developers/teams
requesting bug triage to be done on their apps. E.g. there was some
talk on kdegames ML about triaging all their old bugs soon. (we can
always put more konqui or KMail or something else in there if there
are no takers).

I would also like to set a timeframe for this discussion (although we
can of course make changes after that), just so we don't end without
any kind of consensus. So, for 14/9, I'd like any objections to be
raised before the end of Monday 8th Sept. If no-one objects before
then, then it will definitely be KMail. For the rest of the
discussion, perhaps we should say, try to reach a consensus by Sunday



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