[Bugsquad] Mailinglist and website

Michael Leupold lemma at confuego.org
Wed Aug 20 21:42:18 CEST 2008

On Wednesday 20 August 2008, Martin Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Saying that though it should be possible to track the "bugsquad team"
> as a group fairly trivially using email addresses. This could be
> implemented either using a form to submit an address to or using irc
> bot to "register" - from that point on that users bugsquad
> contribution is included in the team. Because the results are
> aggregate it is really just a reflect of the team performance ( could
> display it as a % of total bugsquad for example ).  Just a thought.
> As mentioned the code to do this already exists and can be demoed once
> I figure out the config issue here.

I like that. Having an aggregate performance up on the website is something 
I'd prefer to tracking individually - even more so if it's already close to 
working :)

> Another thought to throw out there - the regular commit digest on the
> dot is quite popular in terms of people keeping up to date. I think an
> equivalent for bugfixing would perhaps go down well also. I don't know
> how regular it would be possible to produce this but there must be at
> least one "notable" bug closed each month - either for longevity,
> popularity, etc. that could be covered in a bit of detail together
> with some general stats. Last time I helped out I closed a bug
> relating to floppy disks ;)

That's a nice idea as well - not tracking everyone's performance but doing 
stuff like "oldest bug closed" seems like a fun thing to do (it's nothing 
people would go crazy about to reach the top).

We're happy for everyone helping out in getting this website up and running, 
so let's see how to incorporate your script/data once we got a basic skeleton!


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