[Appeal] Draft for a "vision" document (based on Aaron's initial one).

Torsten Rahn torsten.rahn at credativ.de
Fri Apr 8 11:25:45 CEST 2005

Am Montag, 4. April 2005 16:04 schrieb Aaron J. Seigo:
> On Monday 04 April 2005 07:22, Kurt Pfeifle wrote:
> > If we limit ourselves to what you call "the deliverables", forget
> > "the vision".

As we discussed multiple times during the APPEAL conference APPEAL should also 
cover creating "showcars" and "design studies". As long as you perceive these 
as "deliverables" I'm fine with that.

> > > we don't need to list or detail every thing each of us doing. and more
> > > importantly, we shouldn't try and create a "KDE vision".
> > In a way, this still is what I have in mind.
> is not necessary. we can create a vision for our own work here, though, and
> i have no doubt that phrased as such most people in KDE will eventually
> adopt those principles if they are compelling and show good results.

Exactly. And that's exactly what I had in mind for our strategy with regard to 
the APPEAL project. That's one of the strongest reasons why APPEAL exists in 
the first place.

> no offense to Matthias, but KDE has moved on from being "Matthias' idea". i
> don't see how having Matthias around will help "canonicalize" a KDE vision.
> at aKademy Matthias was looking for a democratized board of developers to

You might not perceive Matthias to be the greatest guy when it comes to 
visions but for the KDE vision he has succeeded for the most part :-)

I think it's important that we have some Trolltech person on this list who 
wants to push usability ahead. This is important as APPEAL visions should not 
stop at the KDE frontiers. For some of them it's even important that they 
manifest directly at the toolkit level. To make this happen Matthias is IMHO 
our best bet :-) So ... 

Welcome Matthias!

> stabilize and directly oversee kdelibs/base development; he also suggested
> to more or less drop khtml. 

Judging from contacts to Lars the Gecko-Port is already about 95% finished. 
For enterprise deployment the Gecko-Port _is_ vitally important.
Once it's done I'm very sure that Distributions which do already perceive 
Firefox as their main browser will enable the Gecko part in Konqueror by 
default. In the long run this might result in Gecko being the default browser 

> neither of those things happened or were even 
> taken very seriously by the majority of people. in fact, on the khtml front
> the exactly _opposite_ happened and developement revved up over that.

Which I'd regard as a nice side-effect anyways.

> if Appeal is to be accepted by the community it must not directly take a
> position "against" it by trying to define what KDE is. we can, however,
> change things from the inside out via our demonstrated efforts and we can
> provide a leadership position.


Mit freundlichen Grüßen / Kind regards,

        Torsten Rahn

Dipl.-Phys. Torsten Rahn, credativ GmbH
Karl-Heinz-Beckurts-Str. 13, 52428 Jülich, Germany
Tel.:  +49 (2461) 6907-91
Fax:   +49 (2461) 6907-11
Mobil: +49  (160) 7452624
Email: Torsten.Rahn at credativ.de

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