[Appeal] Appeal icon theme

Aaron Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Tue Apr 5 18:57:44 CEST 2005

On April 5, 2005 15:41, Torsten Rahn wrote:
> Again I think that having a complete look named after a _single_ term is
> easier

Oxygen is cool enough for me, but then i'm not very cool ;)

if the icon theme and widget theme are meant to compliment each other (which i 
hope they are) then it would be nice to give them the same name, yes.. "the 
Oxygen style". then we can ship a Theme that uses all the Oxygen elements 
(one click and you get it all!) called ... Oxygen.

right now we have Crystal icons, Plastik window decoration, Plastik widgets, 
Plastik colour scheme, the Default splash screen, plain KDM, KDE 3.4 Default 
background, no real mouse theme... now imagine:

the Oxygen theme consisting of: Oxygen icons, Oxygen widgets, Oxygen colours 
scheme, Oxygen splash, Oxygen KDM log in, Oxygen background(s), Oxygen mouse 

this already seems more "coherent" and less chaotic. but i'm defining a LOT of 
work that i have no part in here (all the art stuff)...

what are the artists going to be aiming to accomplish? e.g. which of the 
following are the goals of the artists (only speak up if you are committed to 
seeing it happen personally =):

	Icon set
	Widget style
	Colour scheme
	Splash screen
	KDM theme
	Mouse cursor
	Launch feedback style
	Konqueror background
	Application about images (e.g. about: in konqi)
	... anthying else i've missed?

i avoided going crazy and delving into things like images for KPersonalizer or 
the splash screens for individual apps, but i think i went crazy enough with 
that list.

the specific reason i'm asking is it would be nice to know exactly what our 
"art package" will consist of, both so we have goals and so i know what to 
say in public =)

Aaron J. Seigo
Society is Geometric
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