[Appeal] Re: [Appeal-pr] APPEAL Branding

Kurt Pfeifle k1pfeifle at gmx.net
Tue Apr 5 16:19:17 CEST 2005

On Tuesday 05 April 2005 12:39, Torsten Rahn wrote:
> > Well, it also looks more arrogant and more stupid.
> I disagree (or do you really think that e.g. "HARIBO" looks arrogant?).

I agree HARIBO doesnt look arrogant.
I disagree that it looks stronger, more important and more bold because 
of its uppercasing.

Also, f.e take Siemens. It is uppercased as SIEMENS for their CIG logo 
and other branding. But still, all papers keep writing "Siemens" if 
they report about the company.

So, branding doesnt always work in real life like the theory demands 
from it. And *very frequently* doesnt work for simple uppercasing a 
common word. I am sure it wouldnt work for APPEAL, even if all the 
project consistently used this spelling all the time. (This may succeed
better if APPEAL was in fact an acronym).

So, while I fully support the attempt to create a branding, I think
it is better to think of s.th. different, more easy.

> And if you look around you'll see that brands
> (Especially rather short ones) are very often written upper case
> for the reasons I outlined.

The short ones are often acronyms.

And why are there at all those ones left which use mixed or all-lower


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