[Appeal] Re: [Appeal-pr] APPEAL Branding

Kenneth Wimer wimer at suse.de
Tue Apr 5 14:52:29 CEST 2005

* Torsten Rahn <torsten.rahn at credativ.de> [Apr 05. 2005 14:47]:
> > Well, it also looks more arrogant and more stupid.
> I disagree (or do you really think that e.g. "HARIBO" looks arrogant?).
> And if you look around you'll see that brands
> (Especially rather short ones) are very often written upper case
> for the reasons I outlined.

Well, HARIBO is word which makes no sense, like SUSE. APPEAL is however
a normal word in the english lang. and writing it in capitals looks like
you are screaming.


Kenneth Wimer
Scheinbare Rechtschreibfehler beruhen auf einer individuellen

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