[Appeal] Appeal icon theme

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Tue Apr 5 03:23:02 CEST 2005

> Ok, appeal icon theme is the temporary name, any suggestion for a cool
> name? I thinked to "Oksigen" ... what do you think?

i like the name, but then i liked gestalt for klink to ;P

seriously though, the name has some very nice connotations: airy, required for 
life, freshness, vitality... yeah... is there any reason not to just call it 
Oxygen, besides the fact that "oxygen" has no 'k's in it? ;);)

> Here there is a preview, it's looking good in konqui, but I suggest to
> go with 64x64 icons as default.

yes, 64px at a minimum. in the content browser, i'm going to push for 128px 
icons for a few reasons:

        informaton density is lower
        it allows us to overlay a simple interface on the icon on mouse over

btw, this is the sort of the thread that should probably happen on the public 
list =) David, if you want to move it there, please do so (i don't want to be 
presumptuous and do it myself =)

> I'll soon send an application icon and actions cuz I want to follow
> the Aaron suggestion to have icons that you can anderstand immediatly
> if it is filemanager-icon, application-icon, toolbar-icon or an
> Action.

files, applications, actions .. are there any other important divisions to be 
made? the current icon themes have the following groupings (going from the 
"Select Icon" dialog) and how they map to the three categories David 

        Actions (Actions)
        Applications (Applications)
        Devices (Filemanager)
        Filesystem (Filemanager)
        Mimetypes (Filemanager)

perhaps we should look at a distinction for "icons representing things in the 
real world". this would be disks, printers, etc... in other words, all the 
things currently in the Devices icon category. which would bring the 
distinctions to being:

        Actions (menus, toolbars)
        Physical Items (devices)
        Files, Documents and Information (folders, mimetypes, bookmarks..)

the "rules" are what would remain to be defined. for physical items, i'd 
recommend "photorealistic" icons. many of our current Device icons already 
get close, such as the hdd_* and usbpen* icons. the rational is that this 
gives an immediate cue to the user that these are "real" things (versus the 
abstractions/metaphores the rest of the icons represent) and creates an easy 
to make distinction artistically between these and the other icons.

this is all from a use perspective, not an art perspective though. so i could 
be suggesting something that will cause wretching and heaving from the 
artists ;);)

> http://www.icon-king.com/appeal/preview.png

as a non-artist, i _really_ like the directon this is going. wow! =)))

Aaron J. Seigo
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