[Appeal] Draft for a "vision" document (based on Aaron's initial one).

Cornelius Schumacher schumacher at kde.org
Mon Apr 4 16:48:37 CEST 2005

On Monday 04 April 2005 16:04, Aaron J. Seigo wrote:
> if Appeal is to be accepted by the community it must not directly take a
> position "against" it by trying to define what KDE is. we can, however,
> change things from the inside out via our demonstrated efforts and we can
> provide a leadership position.

Exactly. If we manage to provide an alternative to the current look&feel of 
KDE which is actually better, the project will follow. There is no need to 
change the direction of KDE for that. We can easily do this on top of the 
existing desktop. If we do it right, people will eventually start switching 
from the classical look&feel to the new "appeal" look&feel.

This is how many of the desktop improvements got into KDE, see the icons, the 
styles, new applications like akregator, etc. The main difference is that we 
try to approach the overall impression of KDE, not only one aspect.

The key point is that we have something with some substance (i.e. a working 
implementation, even if it is incomplete and based on hacks), otherwise the 
community will just ignore us.

Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher at kde.org>

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