[Appeal] Comments on the "vision" document

Kurt Pfeifle k1pfeifle at gmx.net
Sun Apr 3 08:20:58 CEST 2005


I now want to deliver some personal comments to my draft of the "vision" 

* it took much longer than I expected. Towards the end I was pretty
  tired. (It is now 7.00 h in the morning here....)

* I think it needs much more work. Mainly to condense it more. Make it
  more concise.

* I always write too verbosely. I always need most time to "take away"
  from my words in order to gain more clarity of content. I never manage 
  to do so to my own satisfaction.

* I didnt have time to do any of this required "condensing" work. So
  this is the first draft, with only one pass to remove typos.

* I forgot to mention the GPL licensing of Qt4 for Windows. I had 
  intended to hint to that fact in passing, when discussing KDE as
  a development platform, and its attraction to ISVs.

* It needs some more "sex appeal".

* The document should avoid to create any preliminary controversy amd
  polarization amongst KDE followers. We shouldn't for now discuss
  topics which could induce that, or use formulations that do so. 
  (These will come unavoidable at some stage anyway...) 
  Did I achieve this?

I'll probably not be able to read or respond to mail for all the rest 
of the weekend. Probably earliest on Monday evening.


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