[Appeal] new member

Aaron J. Seigo aseigo at kde.org
Fri Apr 1 20:45:43 CEST 2005

On Friday 01 April 2005 11:26, Eva Brucherseifer wrote:
> this afternoon I had a long phone call with Matthias Ettrich about Appeal
> and a lot of related things we discussed in Berlin. He's very interested
> and he accepted my invitation to join this list and also the next appeal
> meeting. Maybe someone can subscribe him?

having Ettrich aboard could be cool. what would he be looking to bring to the 
table to help move the Appeal project forward?

to be honest, i'd sooner see Zack as a TT employee in Appeal  (meaning TT 
gives their OK for him to work with Appeal as part of his day work) because 
at least i know exactly what sort of progress i'd see from Zack.

and this brings up the interesting an unanswered question:

	what sort of people do we want/need in this group?

certainly more developers. especially ones that can create, follow, express 
and help realize a vision. Scott and i came up with a few names of such 
people currently involved in the KDE project, and i'm sure Cornelius, Daniel 
and Stephan B. could do the same.

how many developers do we want? what are the qualities we are looking for to 
compliment the project?

Aaron J. Seigo
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