is this a bug, or a reason to upgrade?

Myriam Schweingruber myriam at
Fri Sep 7 17:05:41 BST 2018

On Fri, 7 Sep 2018 at 17:30, salamandir <salamandir at>

> On Friday, September 07, 2018 05:14:10 PM, Myriam Schweingruber, an
> eminent manifestation of divinity, wrote:
> ...
> that's the thing... i DID NOT install or remove new packages -- i did
> upgrade a few packages, but not recently (within the couple of weeks
> preceding amarok's decision not to work).
> i do that fairly regularly, and it usually doesn't affect other stuff. it
> certainly wasn't recently enough that i can definitely draw the line
> between the upgrades and amarok not working...
> for lack of a better term, it just decided not to work one day...
> and i DID NOT run chown or chmod on anything on this computer in over a
> year, which is significantly BEFORE anything started happening to amarok.

No need to shout, I did not accuse you of anything, just trying to rule out
some possible causes.

> i would prefer NOT to file a bug report if the only solution would be to
> upgrade to the latest version, because i am already in the process of
> upgrading (starting with backing up my 350GB of music files). the only way
> i would file a bug report, at this point, is if i were fairly sure that it
> was going to get fixed, so as to make it so that others who have the same
> problem would be able to avoid the whole process.

Well, then I can't really help, as without you filing a bug report with the
necessary details we can't know what is wrong, and without this we can't
know what to fix. Mind you: we never fix released versions, this would be
up to the distributions to backport any fixes we release, so again, nothing
I can promise.

Best regards, Myriam

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