Test Failure after git Build

Justin Thomas jet_5060 at yahoo.com
Thu May 29 21:51:06 UTC 2014


I am new to the Amarok project, and was looking to take on some "junior 
jobs" as an enty-level contributor.

A few days ago I was able to build from the latest source on git 
master.  I ran the test suite using make test, and all tests passed 
except for #54: testgenericscanmanager.

I stepped through the test in the debugger and eventually found that my 
system installed "amarokcollectionscanner" was being called instead of 
the on which was just built from source.

I get to GenericScannerJob::scannerPath() and find that my system 
installed amarokcollectionscanner is being used after a search through 
my PATH.  scannerPath() makes a check to see if there is a special path 
to the amarokcollectionscanner for the test, but this gets skipped over.

Question:  Is the overrideUtilitiesPath property supposed to be set for 


- Justin
jet_5060 at yahoo.com
@brewlius_cesar on #amarok IRC

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