Spotify service?

Colin Guthrie gmane at
Tue May 4 16:11:54 UTC 2010

'Twas brillig, and Jonas Lundqvist at 04/05/10 15:09 did gyre and gimble:
> Hi!
> I was wondering if there is any effort anywhere made to implement a
> spotify service in amarok? The only thing I could find was a small
> discussion on the mailing list in July 2009[1], but nothing seems to
> have happend since.
> I would be very interested in such a service and would be willing to
> perhaps produce some code to implement it using the libdespotify [2]
> API, but unfortunatly I do not have a great deal of time over and thus
> can't make this entirely on my own, so it would be ideal if someone else
> took the lead.
> So, is there any interest for this?

I think there would be interest. I'd quite like it but as I don't have a
premium account, I can't really drive this forward myself (I also don't
have time but that's another issue!)

I'm not sure how popular Spotify is world wide but it's certainly quite
popular in the UK AFACT.



Colin Guthrie

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