Album covers

Valorie Zimmerman valorie.zimmerman at
Tue Mar 9 04:37:21 UTC 2010

On Mon, Mar 8, 2010 at 7:34 AM, Mark Fraser <kde at> wrote:
> I've seem to have got in quite a mess trying to sort out my collection of
> album covers in Amarok 2.2.2 to the point that the cover will appear in the
> play list until it starts playing when it will vanish.
> How can I get back to a working system, do I just need to delete the cache
> folder?

Hey Mark, I was having lots of problems with album covers in 2.2.2
also. One thing that helped was installing the script CopyCover2,
which saves a copy of the found album cover to the album folder in
your collection.

I can give you the good news that 2.3 will have improved album cover
handling. I now run Amarok fresh from git (source), and more and more
correct covers are showing up. The search function is improving too,
although there is still not perfection.

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