Missing reports for multimedia sprint

Mario Fux mario at unormal.org
Thu Jul 1 13:10:54 UTC 2010

Am Sonntag 27 Juni 2010, 23:22:20 schrieb Cornelius Schumacher:
> Hi,

Morning Cornelius

> we are still missing the landing pages for the multimedia and the Amarok
> part of the Randa meeting. Could you please add them here:
> http://community.kde.org/KDE_e.V./Sprints. There are already links. For
> info what to put on the landing page see the howto at
> http://community.kde.org/KDE_e.V./Sprints/Howto#After_the_sprint.

I added some raw pages (from the edu page as template):

Please multimedia and amarok guys fill this. I did the infrastructural 
organization and don't know much about the thinks you decided and discussed!

BTW: You find all or almost all the blogs about the meeting collected at:

> Regards,
> Cornelius


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