Automated Playlist Generator: Congratulations! And feature request (Copy playlist result to Media player)

Christian Esken esken at
Mon Aug 23 10:44:30 UTC 2010


I am quite happy about that new Automated Playlist Generator. Congratulations 
to that major improvement to Amarok.

It is so much easier to understand than the dynamic playlist, for the 
following reasons:
1) It comes with good examples.
2) It has the big advantage that it the rule editor is in a separate dialog.
     (I always found it very bad from a usabilty perspective, that the rule
      editor can not be distinguisehd from the active rules itself).

Now for my feature request: I would like to copy the results from the APG to 
my media player. Is it correct, that this is not possible at the moment?

As far as I know this isn't specific to APG, but a general Amarok 2 
limitiation. You cannot copy playlists, APG, dynamic playlists or even the 
currently active playlist or Podcasts to the media player. Am I right here, or 
have I just missed the functionality?



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