Dynamic Playlist not working for me in Amarok 2.2 RC1

Florian Genauer fgenauer at gmx.de
Tue Sep 29 08:43:46 UTC 2009

Hi List,

I am using Amarok 2.2 RC1 from Debian experimental (amd64).

So far I am very happy with it - especially because the applets now make 
good use of available space in the configured applets region.

Mostly I am using amarok like that: I have dynamic playlist running, and 
when a song is running I like, ich append the corresponding album to the 
playlist. After the album has finished amarok keeps filling my playlist with 
random tracks. (I know it is/can be much cooler than just random tracks, but 
just to make it short...)

But now I can no longer use the dynamic playlist. The butten "Neu füllen" 
(this is German - could be named "Fill playlist from scratch" in english) is 
greyed out and not clickable, in the playlist selection applet.

I deleted all amarok* files in ~/.kde/share/config and ~/.kde/share/apps, 
and scanned my collection from scratch, but I still cannot click the "refill 
playlist" button.

Do you have any hints for me?

Thanks in advance


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