only 20 or 40 long playlist

Donn Washburn n5xwb at
Fri Sep 11 23:04:42 UTC 2009

On 09/11/2009 08:59 AM, Tycho Andersen wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 11, 2009 at 8:32 AM, Donn Washburn<n5xwb at>  wrote:
>> Hey Group;
>> In a effort to loose this problem I have completely reloaded openSuSE
>> 11.2 M6 to M7.
>> Amarok still has the same problem.  That is it will only see 20 mp3
>> songs in a directory with many more songs.  I did retain my old /home
>> directory files.  So, believe somewhere in my /home directory it is set
>> to only look at the same group of songs.  I have tried to erase and
>> reload any old playlist information.
>> I have set the playlist to one directory in a group
>> "/usr/share/Music/smoothjazz/" which contains the files.
>> However, amarok 2.1.1 will only look at 20 files that are not even the
>> begining files.  It always see the same 20 files.
>> Where does amarok store this information?  "find ./ -name amarok" shows
>> it is in~/.kde4.
>> I have tried removing anything with amarok and mysql in ~/.kde4.  Which
>> didn't help.
> Try removing ~/.kde4/share/apps/amarok/collection_scan.files and
> running another collection scan (alternatively, you can just delete
> ~/.kde4/share/apps/amarok and re-do the same thing).
> \t
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This is a current "ls -l" version of that directory

drwx------     3 donn users 4096 2009-09-11 11:59 albumcovers/
-rw-rw----     1 donn users    17  2009-09-11 12:04
-rw-rw----     1 donn users      0  2009-09-11 11:59 collection_scan.files
-rw-rw----     1 donn users 8818 2009-09-11 12:04 current.xspf
-rw-rw----     1 donn users      0  2009-09-11 11:59 dynamic.xml
-rw-r--r--      1 donn users      0  2009-09-11 11:59 my.cnf
drwxr-xr-x  4 donn users 4096 2009-09-11 11:59 mysqle/
drwx------     2 donn users 4096 2009-09-11 11:59 playlist_layouts/

I brought it "amarok --debug" up and it still has the same 20 files

I have also noticed that kdeinit4 does not exit amarok (ps ax | grep 
amarok) when it has been Exited correctly.
6620 ?         S      0:00 kdeinit4: kio_trash [kdeinit] trash 
  6621 ?        S      0:00 kdeinit4: kio_file [kdeinit] file 

Also to benefit others - openSuSE need to have /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer 
set to 666 to work.  And you need to be added to /etc/group under audio 
and others.    /etc/group - audio:x:17:pulse,donn

73 de Donn Washburn
307 Savoy Street     Email:" n5xwb at "
Sugar Land, TX 77478 LL#
Ham Callsign N5XWB   HAMs : " n5xwb at "
VoIP via Gizmo: bmw_87kbike / via Skype: n5xwbg
BMW MOA #: 4146 - Ambassador
       " " #279316

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