[Patch] "No grouping" checkbox in playlist layout

Tim Bocek tim.bocek at gmail.com
Wed Sep 2 21:49:57 UTC 2009

I just finished a patch that implements tying grouping schemes to playlist
layouts, and created a merge request at:


If this is too much given the state of the freeze (it does add some extra
strings), I'm happy to just let this sit until 2.2.1.


On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 9:11 AM, Téo Mrnjavac <teo at getamarok.com> wrote:

> On Sun, Aug 30, 2009 at 4:28 PM, Tim Bocek<tim.bocek at gmail.com> wrote:
> > I'm willing to give it a try, though I might be a bit short on time in
> the
> > next few days and might not get it by string freeze, which IIRC is
> tomorrow
> > (if I gathered correctly from the database junior job thread, I can't
> find a
> > page on the InfoBase wiki that has this).
> >
> Yup, it's tomorrow.
> > Just to clarify: on the UI side, you're asking me to remove the "No
> > Grouping" checkbox and replace it with a "Group By" combo box that has:
> > Artist
> > Album
> > Composer
> > etc.
> > No Grouping
> >
> Exactly.
> > If so, some questions:  Does the menu at the bottom of the playlist
> window
> > that already has these options stay, or do we remove it in favor of the
> > combo box in the layout (I would vote to keep it, personally).
> I had a pretty long discussion with other team members about this on
> IRC, more than once actually, and we figured that it's best to
> completely tie grouping into the layouts configuration for various
> reasons, mostly to keep grouping consistent and to avoid cluttering
> the interface.
> So the grouping menu at the bottom of the playlist would be replaced
> by the combobox in the playlist layout configuration dialog, and the
> current grouping category would be saved in the playlist layout xml.
> Each layout would incorporate a selected grouping category. We just
> don't see many users switching grouping schemes on the fly without
> switching layouts too, this is because the vast majority of grouping
> schemes look just plain wrong with some layouts, and vice versa. So
> the "No Grouping" layout would come with "No Grouping" as grouping
> category, the "Default" layout would come with "Album" as grouping
> category, and other grouping categories would be selectable if one
> chooses to create an alternative layout.
> >
> > No worries about the sorting slip, I know what you meant ;)
> >
> > Thanks
> > -Tim
> >
> Cheers
> Téo
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