Very Important -- Back up your DB if you run Git

Jeff Mitchell mitchell at
Mon Oct 26 18:00:52 UTC 2009

Tomorrow we'll be merging in my uidhash branch, which currently exhibits
no known regressions.

However, it does require a schema bump, which means that if we need to
revert it for some reason, you'll want a backup of your current-schema
DB to go back to.

I want to stress that we do not expect any problems; this is just a
precaution, since it changes so many fundamental things about how tracks
are processed when scanned.

If you run mysql-embedded (the default), do:

cd ~/.kde4/share/apps/amarok (adjust as appropriate for your KDEHOME)
cp -a mysqle mysqle-schema9

If you run mysql-server backend, do:

mysqldump -u <user> -p <databasename> > amarok_schema9.sql


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