Where to write CUE support code?

Casey Link unnamedrambler at gmail.com
Wed Oct 14 15:30:22 UTC 2009

>> 1. Locate the CUE when scanning
> this code already exists
>> 2. Parse the CUE into timecode tracks
> this is also present

Yup. That, along with the generating of bookmarks was my doing in
porting the cue support from Amarok 1.4. Since then I haven't had time
to continue working on it.

> wouldn't it be better to add a cue sheet table, throw in a forein key to the
> local track entry (fk_cuesheet_id, can be null)  and avoid string splitting in
> rpath completly?

Yes, I'm just hesitant to make database changes. But your description
should work, though I haven't investigated fully.

> anyway, i'm looking forward to working cue sheet support, its been a long time
> (too long ) without

Thank you :D I can stop feeling guilty about leaving it half assed.


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