Where to write CUE support code?

Nikolaj Hald Nielsen nhnfreespirit at gmail.com
Sat Oct 3 20:58:32 UTC 2009

Hi Bartek

As I am not sure if you are subscribed to the mailing list, I am
forwarding this to you directly as well.

About full CUE sheet support, there are really two parts to this, one
fairly simple one (as most of the code is there, it just needs to be
put together in the right way) and one quite complex one.

The simple part is loading a CUE sheet from a file and having it show
up as individual tracks in the playlist. Right now, it shows up as a
single track with bookmarks in it, but I wrote some code a while back
that can make a standalone track out of a part of a longer track,
bounded by 2 bookmarks (technically just bounded by any two
timepoints, although in the ui they are currently created by marking
two bookmarks in the bookmark manager and selecting the "create
timecode track" from the context menu).

So, extending this code to create a number of these timecode tracks
for each part of a cue file should be pretty simple. The source for
the timecode tracks are in src/timecode and the bookmarks are in

The hard part is getting this stuff integrated into the local
collection so tracks defined by a cue sheet can be part of the local
collection on par with any other track. But I am guessing that
actually getting the loading of the cur files to generate timecode
tracks is a necessary first step in any case.

- Nikolaj

On Sat, Oct 3, 2009 at 9:37 PM, Bartek <bfo at op.pl> wrote:
> Hi
> Could someone please tell me where is the place in the Amarok repo that
> is suitable for placing CUE support code in? I'm asking because I'd like
> to help coders, but as I have never investigated Amarok's code, I don't
> know where to search.
> Bartek
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